Sunday, February 28, 2010

2010 + Winter Olympics = Making History

With 37 medals in all 13 bronze 14 silver & 9 gold medals the United States of America can feel more then proud they have now broken the all time Winter Olympic Medal standings. From Shani Davis (Speed Skating) to Bode Miller (Alpine Skiing) to even Evan Lysacek (Figure Skating) the USA dominated like one others and surpass all expectations.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Robert Pattinson allergic to... VAGINA'S !?

Robert Pattinson did a super sexy shoot for Details Magazine. Well, it’s getting some heat back with R-Patz inside. We're seeing a whole new side of Robert Pattinson in the pages of March's Details.

He has the honor of being on the cover of the magazine's 10th anniversary issue, available on newsstands on the 23rd. Robert opened up about a range of rather personal topics ahead of Remember Me's release next month, including his closest relationships and his career. He also talks about the sexy photo shoot, which he apparently didn't love doing.

But it sounds like Pattinson actually has a slight case of Mayer-itis, as more quotes from his magazine article have been leaked.

In the feature, the man adored by millions of women makes a startling admission: he hates vaginas! Is he joking around? For Kristen Stewart's sake, we hope so. When asked about his shoot with numerous nude women (as pictured below,) here's what Rob has to say...

  • On giving up control: "When I was 17 until, I don't know, 20, I had this massive, baseless confidence. This very clear idea of myself and how I would achieve success, which involved making decisions. I saw myself picking up the phone and saying 'Absolutely not' or 'Definitely yes.' Having control. Except you have to figure out whether the way you think at 19 or 20 has any value. And eventually I understood, with all that control, which was probably illusory, I wasn't progressing. So now I'm relinquishing a bit. I'll be a tiny bit naked."
  • On trying to understand his career: "Before, I felt like I couldn't break through anything, including myself. And now it feels a bit as though I've climbed along the side of my brain and am at least looking in. But I know it will take me at least another 10 years before I'm remotely satisfied with anything I do."
  • On his nearest and dearest: “The only emotional connection of relevance is with my dog. My relationship with my dog, it’s ridiculous.”
  • On eating: "I eat so much, I'm like a compulsive eater. I've been eating room service, and I'm always really worried about it, so I choose like six things on the menu and eat them all."
  • On his crazy last few years: "I can barely remember the last two years. Not like a haze of partying or anything like that. Just . . . it's been crazy."
  • On maybe having been a political speechwriter: "It's fascinating. You'd have two or three minutes to affect someone. Make them hear you. Get the message out and maybe it will echo. I quite enjoyed doing press for the first Twilight, because there was a similarity. But after a bit I was ladling it out. If you want people to listen to you, you'd better have something to say. I felt a responsibility to be fascinating. You're bargaining with the audience. Is this enough for them? And that affects the way you look at art."

Now, although he comes off looking like a pimp with several different women, Pattinson admitted to something about women he does not like.

A woman’s lady bits. Yup. He hates vaginas. At least the vagina’s on the set of the shoot.

“I’m allergic to vagina. But I can’t say I had no idea, because it was a 12-hour shoot, so you kind of get the picture that these women are going to stay naked after, like, five or six hours. But I wasn’t exactly prepared. I had no idea what to say to these girls. Thank God I was hungover.”

Hmm. Did one of the girls have a stinky peek-achoo? It’s quite an interesting quote and subject to bring up don’t you think? I mean, they make you look like a super stud for 12 hours and you out them for a stinky putty cat?

Ask me anything

Saturday, February 13, 2010

2010 Theme for My Winter Olympics!

Ali in The Jungle by The Hours - Nike The Human Chain

Everybody gets knocked down, how quick are you going to get up?"

From Lance Armstrong on his bike, to a six-year-old in China learning martial arts, movement is the universal language that connects us all. It's a language of beauty, drama, tragedy and triumph. And the road to athletic greatness is not marked by perfection, but the ability to constantly overcome adversity and failure.

"It's not how you start, it's how you finish. It's not where you're from, it's where you're at. Everybody gets knocked down, how quick are you going to get up?"

Share your Just Do It story at


Monday, February 8, 2010

Google ad wins the Super Bowl!

Google has aired its first ever TV commercial during the third quarter of the Super Bowl XLIV.

The ‘Parisian Love’ ad has indeed been widely acclaimed by viewers on YouTube.

To illustrate, a viewer named thedifferentelement commented on YouTube, “Amazing, amazing, amazing ad. Edited and designed perfectly! It tells an awesome story, and it's moving.”

Another viewer named k6gbc stated, “This is an amazing ad on so many levels! Not gimmicky - simple yet powerful. Very classy! Welldone Google, yet again.”

With the ad now been aired during Super Bowl, ‘Parisian Love’ has also won the hearts of a “wider audience” and has been declared as one of the best commercial for Super Bowl.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Spread the love, without cash.

Valentines day shouldn’t be about spending money, it should be about spending time.

How to be romantic without having to spend a lot of money:
-just be together
-go dancing, or ice skating
-have a picnic, by moonlight
-make a “mixtape” (cd, or playlist)
-go to a park, and play like little kids
-give a back massage, a nice long one
-give a foot massage (this is especially good if your sweetheart works)
-bake (muffins, cookies, cupcakes)
-stay at home and watch movies together

Just use your imagination, and not your wallet